Lurker roll call

Lurkers, here’s your chance to say hello. I’d love to check out your stuff.


Anyone up for live blogging this evening?


And can anyone explain to me the vicissitudes of blog traffic? Total suckitude this week — isn’t anyone searching for cameltoe photos any more?



  1. May says:

    Not exactly a lurker here, but I think it’s the something called Summer?

    Mine’s sucked this week as well.

  2. Walnut says:

    Yeah, I thought the good weather might explain it, too. Damned global warming!

  3. Kris Starr says:

    Um… what good weather?

    *looks out window*

    We got dumped with a couple of inches of wet, sloppy snow this morning, which is now slowly melting into wet, sloppy, muddy crap.


    Doug — I’ll try and swing by for live blogging. 🙂

  4. Carrie Lofty says:

    Lurker, mostly. I’ve been mostly reviewing movies and putting off the second half of my WIP.

  5. tambo says:

    i’ll try to come online tonight. a lot depends if the narcotics have me in ‘wake mode’ or ‘sleep mode’

  6. Walnut says:

    Tam: come by even if you are narcotized. It could be fun. I’ll get a drugged tambo to discuss her trilogy with my 11-year-old. Woot!

    Carrie, you’re not THAT much of a lurker. And you’re not the only one procrastinating on a WIP 🙂

    Kris: bring the bikini!

  7. Pat J says:

    Do I count? I don’t comment all that often, but I usually read what you’ve got to say.

    I’m trying out an online serial novel. Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  8. Walnut says:

    Tam: I’ll try to be on by 7 – 7:30 my time.

    Pat: you’re kidding, right? I think you were one of my first-ever commenters! Wait, let me check.

    Yup. You were the first — a response to my April 10, 2005 post on Sin City. So, NO, you are most definitely NOT a lurker. You’re a Balls and Walnuts veteran!

  9. noxcat says:

    Live Blogging – maybe. It’ll depend on if the post-hypoglycemia unpleasantness is temporary or if it turns into being done for the night. 🙂

  10. Shoot, I’m always on too late to catch any live blogging. I’m a regular, but feel more like a lurker right now 🙁

  11. Walnut says:

    Thanks for making it tonight, folks!

    Renee, for you, I’ll try to get on earlier next week. Tonight was late indeed.

  12. Corn Dog says:

    People are hitting my web site looking at 3 photos. One called “mygirls” of my two dogs but you know what they are really looking for. Need I say it – PORN. This picture has been translated into every search engine language in the world. The second most hit picture is a weird one of the small dog called “alien” and the third most hit is a picture of my cousin’s cat called “Queen Latifah.” The blog post I recently wrote in 15 minutes got more comments than anything I have written in the last 3 years. Shoot me and put me out of my misery. I should quit working so hard on posting.

  13. Dean says:

    It ain’t traffic that’s important, it’s quality traffic. You regularly get 10-15 comments, which indicates a good level of quality traffic. Who gives a shit if 1000 people wander by looking for camel-toe pics?

  14. Walnut says:

    CD: no, I will NOT shoot you. You’ll just have to stay miserable.

    Dean: yes, intellectually I know I shouldn’t care about all those cameltoe-seekers, that I should thank my stars for the truly wonderful crowd who come by regularly. But it’s the Type A in me. He keeps looking at that damned hit counter, grinding his teeth, tapping his fingers on the virtual table in my head. Stop it!

  15. Suisan says:

    I have three pages which get hits. Other than that, not much going on.

    But I haven’t been blogging, so I’m not that concerned about my stats. If I don’t update, I don’t expect people to show up, you know?

    I’ll try for tonight. I think Neo might be busy though. (She loved the last chat.)

  16. microsoar says:

    Nice to chat, Doug.
    btw: the repaired bike held up OK on the test ride, the big test will be the 1hr race at high speed next Sunday.
    bbtw: check out my place for my son’s dream last nite. You will probably be able to answer the question posed.

  17. Walnut says:

    Suisan (and whoever else is interested), I’ll try to show up tonight, too.

    MS: on my way.

  18. Cal says:

    I found you a few weeks ago, while searching for otitis stuff, where I read up on interesting stories and info. From there I found you blog, which I have visited a few times since, but I think I will be back for more often.
    I have visited an ENT, who was refreshingly open, funny, and apparently very competent.