Early morning shout

. . . goes to Erin O’Brien for her provocative review of Liquid Love, the G-Spot Explosion. The intertubes need more high quality film analysis like this. Oh, and she’s raffling off the film, too, now that it’s, ah, used.

Speaking as a physician, I haven’t made up my mind about female ejaculation, and since I’m not an ob-gyn, I guess I’ll never have to have a professional opinion on this. But in all the documentaries I’ve viewed*, this stuff looks voluminous. Unbelievably voluminous. Nevertheless, according to the Wiki, it’s not urine. And Aristotle knew about it, the old dog.

More information can be found at the-clitoris.com. Of course.


*But as Wikipedia points out, these documentaries have a commercial interest in creating spectacular visual effects, and thus are a dubious source of clinical data.


  1. Erin O'Brien says:

    I love how I am sharing this hallowed space with Aristotle and the-clitoris.com.

  2. Voluminous is indeed an appropriate word. And it doesn’t *smell* like urine…

    I’ve seen some pornographic Ukiyo-e prints (more properly called ‘shunga 春画, meaning “spring pictures.”‘) that depict it in all its liquid glory.

  3. sam says:

    My funny face came out all crooked, lol.

  4. kate r says:

    that’s an O face, Sam.

  5. sam says:

    * *


  6. Da Nator says:

    Oh, it’s real, alright. Trust me.

    And voluminous? Can you say “plastic sheets”?

  7. Walnut says:

    Plastic sheets!

    This calls for experimentation. Where’s Balls when I need her . . .

  8. Da Nator says:

    If you’re going to experiment, a word of advice: the best way to achieve this goal is with fingers, rather than other organs or implements.

    Also, your wife will have to be comfortable with the idea of feeling like she needs to pee and going with it. I think a lot of women aren’t able to ejaculate because of an aversion to this, or the thought that their partner will be disgusted if s/he thinks there’s pee involved.

    Good luck and have fun!