Happy Chinese New Year!

I’m an ox. How about you?



  1. noxcat says:

    I’m a boar, so supposedly it’s my year. We’ll see.

  2. Kris Starr says:

    A rat, apparently, if I remember correctly.

  3. Monkey here.

    Actually, I’m a double Monkey – supposedly Gemini corresponds to Monkey, so I’ve got both the lunar month and year covered.

  4. sxKitten says:

    Horse – and Sagittarius. Equine through and through.

  5. Walnut says:

    Boar? Rat? And I thought ox was bad.

    I always wanted to be a monkey. Or a snake. And I’m a Libra, too, an inanimate object!

    Astrology blows.

  6. Da Nator says:

    I’m a dog. No wisecracks.

    I just found out I missed the fireworks display in Chinatown today. Poot.

  7. Mixter says:

    Dragon, here!


  8. microsoar says:

    I was born in the Year of the Incontinent Aardvark.

    Depends-dependent ‘varks, are known for their luxuriant hair, though prone to baldness, if you know what I mean. Quick to anger and even quicker when our indiscretions are discovered, we dampish and slightly musty near-ungulates spend a great deal alone like our solitary and nocturnal spirit creature….

  9. Walnut says:

    I think Incontinent Aardvark wins the prize. Not sure what the prize is — a deluxe box of panty liners?

  10. microsoar says:

    A prize? A prize? We ‘varks don’t wear panties! Well not we big muscular (and significantly male) ones, anyhow, or if we do it’s not something we want spread around much. How about a pack of them there useful external catheters? One of those and a trouser-leg length of PVC tubing are an invaluable accessory for long hang gliding flights….

  11. Dean says:

    Everybody wants to be born in the year of the dragon. I think I’m a rat.

    But I’d like to be born in the year of the ocelot. Or the cassowary.

  12. kate r says:

    an old poem by an old friend:

    I like aardvarks
    but aardvarks don’t like me
    because I eat their cookies
    and drink up all their tea

    bah. I’ve looked for three whole minutes for a damn calendar with no luck. I’m going to go drink coffee.

  13. Lyvvie says:

    I’m a piggie-wig too. For years I thought I was a rat because I was born in 1972, but I was born before the Chinese New Year and only just found out I’m a pig. My husband is a rat, and I have a monkey and a bunny to take care of. I plan on getting a Chinese horoscope family totem pole tattoo with all of our signs on it.

  14. Rellarey says:

    Funny you mentioned this, my son and I were talking about the Chinese New Year, and I found pictures online to printout and colour (he’s 4.5 and loves crayons). He actually remembered who everyone in our family was when it comes to the Chinese zodiac.
    Me – Ox
    hubby – rat
    son – horse
    daughter – rooster
    baby-on-the-way – looks like it’s gonna be a pig!


  15. sxKitten says:

    Ooh, thanks for the link, Tam! I’m not just a horse, I’m a FIRE HORSE!!! How cool is that?

    A fire aardvark would be cooler, though.

  16. I’m a water ox.
    However, “As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm, and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.” – Wikipedia on the Ox, so very not me 🙂

  17. sam says:

    A Rat.
    Not a mat, nor a bat nor a cat.
    At least I’m not fat.

  18. shaina says:

    huh…i just commented but it didnt show up…i’m a rabbit. a fire rabbit, to be precise. cool.

  19. […] PS. Thanks to Tam, via Doug, for the link. […]

  20. Walnut says:

    Jeez o’ pete, we’re up to TWENTY comments?

    I should write one sentence blogs more often!

  21. sxKitten says:

    A single sentence leaves much more to our imaginations.

    Congrats, BTW – I’ve never come close to 20 comments on a single post.

  22. Erin O'Brien says:

    Oh hell, I don’t know. Can’t I just be a fuwwy wiwwle kitty?

  23. Walnut says:

    Go for it, Erin. Be a pussy 🙂

  24. Ederlore says:

    I’m a Wood Rooster.
    My ex was a Rat (in more ways than I can count).
    Both my children are Monkeys (how’s that for spacing!)as is my current boyfriend.