Cold enough for you?

It snowed Thursday. In California. On the freakin’ coast.

Over the border in Oregon, here’s what happened to our garden goldfish tubs:

I thought Jonathan Livingston looked rather miserable.

See? He’s shivering. That’s why he’s so blurry:

Here’s the coast at lowtide. The ocean hasn’t frozen over . . . yet.

Strange thing is, our bedroom warms up like crazy, but step outside and your ears freeze. And we’re living in Oregon’s banana belt!

Yes, yes, I’m sure you all have more cause to complain than we do. But that first picture — that’s ICE, damn it! Ice! In our garden! And all my nasturtiums froze, too.

More to follow.



  1. Darla says:

    Wacky. Here, it’s in the 50s, and hasn’t snowed once.

  2. Pat J says:

    Here the high yesterday was -27C. Windchill in the morning as I walked to work of -48. Yeah, it’s cold enough for me.

  3. sxKitten says:

    Oh, wah! We’re on the coast, too, but it’s 12 degrees and we’ve got 6″ of snow. Dean’s poor convertible has been trapped in the parking lot since Wednesday, and it took me 3 hours to get home the other night, which is 2:15 longer than usual.

    Of course, it only takes half an inch of snow for this city to shut down. We’re kind of pathetic that way. Still … NO SYMPATHY FOR YOU!

  4. Lyvvie says:

    I’m with Darla, in the fifties and not a snowflake in sight. Gale force winds for weeks and rain that’s trying to drill holes in your skin, but no snow. Edinburgh is a mud puddle right now. I did see a beautiful rainbow this morning though. And yesterday. And twice the day before. We get rainbows all the time. neener neener. We’ll evolve into ducks one day.

  5. mm says:

    I’ll take some of your cold, Pat. Not all of it, of course, but Ontario has been having this weird, not really winter weather. I’d love to see a foot or so of snow on the ground.

  6. Pat J says:

    mm: It’s on the way. Honest.

  7. Walnut says:

    Pat, that’s pretty effin cold. I. Would. Die.

    In high school, when it came time to pick colleges, for some reason I decided I wanted to visit Michigan State — in the dead of winter. I flew out there unprepared, winter wardrobe-challenged, and nearly got my ears frostbitten. I couldn’t believe things could be that cold here in the States.

    Frost on the ground this AM, and my ice disks have settled back down, sadly enough. But digital photos last forever 🙂

  8. Stamper in CA says:

    You might recall there have been times in southern CA where the grass turns white from the frost, rooftops too.
    It was 53 for a high here yesterday, and that’s pretty cold; my apartment could be used as a refrigerator. If I could sit ON my space heater, I would.
    Poor seagull…I feel badly for him too.

  9. Gabriele says:

    We can change. You get our rain and storm and more rain and more storm and the plus 10-15 °C that go with it, and I’ll take your ice.

    I want it to be winter, dammit.

  10. kate r says:

    I’ve never had a winter in my life without snow–but this one might be It. Someone somewhere is having too much fun screwing with the weather.

  11. tambo says:

    It’s mid January in Iowa and we’re FINALLY getting cold and snow. It’s about damn time.

    It’s not just this winter. It was cool this past summer, never once got sweltering hot, and it’s usually hovering near 100Ëš from mid July til early September here. The hottest we had last year was about 85Ëš.

    Crazy freaking weather.

  12. Walnut says:

    Hmm . . . now I know how to get lots of comments. Write about the weather!

  13. mm says:

    We got some of it over night, Pat – but it’s still only -5. I’m quite comfortable as low as minus 10 (celsius), but after that I start whining. (Not factoring in wind chill, of course.)

    We were supposed to get lots of snow, but mostly got freezing rain and ice pellets. Whine. I want snow dammit!