TIME’s Person of the Year: Me!

Like there was ever any doubt?

But what’s with this mirror b.s.? They could have used any of my pubbed photos, or I could have posed for a new one. It took me ten minutes to, ahem, whip this one out:

This isn’t an original idea. Blue Gal got there before me (with a very creepy offering), as did Commandante Agi (whose cover featuring Rick Santorum’s family out-creepies Blue Gal. Truth is always stranger than fiction). Read Commandante Agi’s message thread for more photoshopping goodness; and if you do one of your own using Commandante Agi’s blank Time cover, feel free to post a link below.

That’s it for me for this evening, my lovelies. Yesterday morning, I thought I had at last beat this evil crud, but by Sunday evening it had returned with bells on. Is it a new virus? Has the old one mutated? Who knows! Who cares! Shoot me now!

Tomorrow: de-ratting our house, the Next Chapter.



  1. shaina says:

    um, yay for you?

  2. kate r says:

    Who is the person on Blue Gal’s cover? (I figure I can ask you because I’m not ashamed to show the depths of my ignorance in your blog. But as my second comment ever in BG’s? I don’t think so.)

  3. sxKitten says:

    Kate – it’s John Hurt in 1984.

    Doug: congratulations! I’m intrigued by the fact that Time chose to focus on your blogging skills, rather than your medical contributions to the betterment of the human condition. Still, I guess that’s been done before …

  4. Walnut says:

    Thanks, SxK. John Hurt in 1984 it is, so Blue Gal’s image-comment is that WE are Winston Smith. Very clever, Ms. BG is.

  5. Redd Turtle says:

    I certainly can’t compete with yours! But I did manage to create my own. Predicatble? Yes. Still funny to me? Sadly, yes.

  6. Blue Gal says:

    Thanks, Walnut. And Kate? Get yer butt back over to my place. Walnut will tell you it’s fine. And if you’re afraid to expose yourself (?) just leave me an email at bluegalsblog AT gmail

  7. Walnut says:

    Loved it, Redd.

    Yeah, Kate! What BG said! A Kos diarist like you needs to be a Blue Gal fangirl.