Working title: The Brakan Correspondent

Date I finished the first version of the outline: 4/27/03

Date I finished the first version of Chapter One: 6/16/03

Final word count: 301,280

A very public thanks to my wife Karen, my son Jacob, and my readers: Ben, Debi, Edwin, and Maureen. You too, Gabriele! Thank you all for your love and support.

The rest of you can read the blurb here.



  1. Gabriele C. says:

    Now, that deserves some Comnga Rats

    http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/full/ap/3032060/cg6cp.gif (gah, links don’t work here).

    300K Wow, that’s a BIG book. And now to the fun of editing.

  2. HFS! 301k? How big do you expect it to be when you’re done with the editing? And pardon my ignorance, but how big is the “average” published novel these days?

  3. Gabriele C. says:

    The “average” is 100-120K. So Doug has written a friggin’ trilogy. 🙂

  4. Yup, it’s a trilogy, all right.

    I fully expect it to be longer after editing. I plan on cutting a few scenes, adding others. It might end up shorter, but I wouldn’t count on it.

    Gabriele — wanna email me that link?

  5. Pat says:

    Good heavens, man, 300,000 words? I thought this was a short introduction to your universe. Or is that Karakoram (sp?)?

    Anyways, congratulations on finishing. Guess I better get unstuck…

  6. Nice work, Doug. Congratulations on finishing it. Now I’m looking forward to seeing it on shelves, so I hope the editing proceeds briskly 😉

  7. Hi guys. This was supposed to be the prequel to Karakoram! Consider it a long introduction to the universe.

    As for Karakoram, I might just streamline that story and make it into a 90 to 100K normal-sized novel. Who knows. My writing from back then was crappy enough that I’m sure I’d have to do everything from scratch. Just as well — the only thing worth saving was the idea.

    Better still, I’ll probably just carry this story forward, since I’ve left it open for a sequel.