Heard on Olbermann tonight: Tom Delay started a blog and had to shut it down minutes later. Why? A slew of comments, mostly hostile, some deliciously so. Down came the blog and all those comments . . . but not before James Risser re-posted everything.
Scroll down the page to read the “offending” comments. Here are a few choice excerpts.
Zalmay Khalilzad is now resigning as ambassador to Iraq. In my opinion, a staunch supporter of the war such as yourself should volunteer to fill this important post. It would do you some good to get first hand knowledge regarding Iraq . . .
Didn’t we already stick a fork in your ass and decide you’re done?
In case you thought this was a one-sided attack by us lib’ruls,
Tom, you corrupted the conservative cause and brought disgrace to our party. We can never forgive you for that. Please crawl back into your hole.
And even some celeb notice:
hi, tom!!!!
so glad you joined the blogosphere! now you can link to my articles and to michelle’s too 🙂
speaking of michelle, she just received a new batch of iraqi baby blood from general pace…if you would like to come up to nyc, drop in and you can suck on some of it too!
and, to you liberals on here….HAVE I TOLD YOU LATELY HOW MUCH I HATE YOU!!!!
December 10, 2006 | Unregistered Commenter ann coulter
Eh, that’s enough. Go see for yourself. (Warning: a lot of those comments are unimaginative, gay-baiting, and/or profane . . . leading me to believe most of these are wingnuts venting their anger. Us lib’ruls are far wittier.)
Wow. Just wow.
That he could think that a blog of his would be well received…
The sheer stupidity of the exercise astounds me. That Delay thought he would get useful comment, that they allowed anonymous commentary… wow. Stupid.