The Third Alternative #42

Check out my review at Tangent Online.Contents:

“Dying in the Arms of Jean Harlow (The Coming of the Autoscopes)” by Paul Meloy
“The Word ‘Mermaid’ Written on an Index Card” by Douglas Lain
“The Vegetable Lamb” by Matthew Francis
“House of the Rising Sun” by Elizabeth Bear
“Lago di Iniquità” by Darren Speegle
“Reality Interrupted” by Jason Erik Lundberg



  1. Pat says:

    Some comments on your reviewing style

    I must say, I like your style of reviewing. I’m the kind of guy who likes to sit down with friends and discuss books that we’ve read, movies that we’ve seen, and I always have the feeling that you’d fit right in at one of these kaffeklatschen (man, I hope I at least came close to spelling that right). To me, a review is, and should be, all about content. If you tell me whether or not you liked a story, and why, then really, what the hell more do I need? And, frankly, I’d rather read literary criticism (or genre criticism) that keeps my interest–and I find that the conversational tone is one way of keeping my interest–than force myself to read a critique that reads like it should have the word “Treatise” in the title.

    And that’s my 2¢.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Many thanks for your entertaining and insightful review of TTA42, Douglas.

    — Andy