Our newest pet

I wanted to name him Rabies, but Jake decided to call him Meow Mix. He comes around nightly for a free handout.

Meow Mix imitating Donald Sutherland at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Meow Mix begging for more Meow Mix.

Elsewhere in Doug’s blogiverse: Martha and Keanu carry their love to the next level, and Bare Rump has to watch; Karen ponders the question of why they don’t love us in Iraq.


  1. Gabriele C. says:

    Aw, a cutie with teeth. A plot raccoon instead of a plotbunny. 🙂

    Those critters are another half-legal immigrant in Germany. They were (re)introduced in some areas by well-meaning nature preservation people, but those idealists didn’t check into natural enemies and such. Now we have a veritable raccoon plague in some places. When they start breeding under your roof it’s no longer fun. 😉

  2. Yeah, we keep expecting this one to show up with children one of these days. But he’s (she’s?) sooo cute.