Thanksgiving day postmortem

Three people, two of whom have the appetites of eight-year-olds. Small eight-year-olds.

Three dishes: prime rib, focaccia, and sweet potato fritters.

Three hours of preparation and clean-up.

At least we won’t be eating turkey for the next three weeks.



  1. Lyvvie says:

    Sweet potato fritter recipe please!!

  2. Dean says:

    Sweet potato fritters!

    I recently had dumplings made with yam and chile, and sweet potato fritters sound yummy.

  3. Stamper in CA says:

    I wouldn’t mind a gander at the fritter recipe either.
    My meal was angst free, and there was so much of it, I will have leftovers today, but that’s it.

  4. Corn Dog says:

    Now, that sounds like a yummy dinner. I had fish sticks and canned corn. My significant other had hot dogs and then went to work.

  5. Darla says:

    Ten people, a 20-pound turkey, all the traditional stuff from my childhood that I’m not going to list because you’ll have heart failure, but the in-laws love it because it’s mostly unavailable here. Got up at 5:30, started with the pumpkin pies because the oven here is so freaking small that two pies fill it up. By 10:30, though, everything was done except the turkey.

    Took it all to the brother-in-law’s, and after everyone pigged out and then grabbed what leftovers they wanted, we didn’t have much to take back home.

    And we got to leave the mess there. Well, most of it. Good thing, too–they have a dishwasher. We don’t. (one of these days, I’m taking a picture of the kitchen of this house. when I want sympathy.)