The horehound! The horehound!

From Likely Stories, enter the dark world of CHOCOLYPSE NOW.

Charlie Bucket journeys into the heart of darkest Loompaland to confront Willy Wonka. See? I’m not the only one obsessed with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.I’d write more, but I had a dream last night which gave me an idea for a short story, and I’m still trying to figure out whether it’s (A) a way cool idea, or (B) autism in action.

Have I ranted here about autistic fiction? That’s when your story means the world to you and nothing to anyone else. Phrased differently, you have an audience of 1.

I’ve written the stuff. Be honest — so have you.



  1. debi says:

    Autistic fiction, LOL, I love it ;o)

  2. Pat says:

    I write less autistic fiction now than I used to. However, my output of unfinished fiction is still high…

    Gotta get it done. Then gotta edit it. Then gotta get it out the door.

  3. I finish the stuff. Getting it out in the mail is another story. I wish everyone would accept e-submissions.

    I’m still not sure about this story. The part I care about seems autistic; the punchline seems trite. Like many stories inspired by a dream, the glamour is fading fast.

  4. Pat says:

    Write it up. Post a snippet. By definition, it’s only other people that can judge if it’s “autistic fiction” or not.

    PS, Chocolypse Now is brilliant.

  5. Gabriele C. says:

    Sometimes I think all my stuff is autistic fiction. Including those long winded history essays on my blog. 😉