Opening shot to the War on Christmas

On Wednesdays, between surgical cases, I hop around the political blogosphere. Seems us secular humanists have launched the opening salvo to this year’s War on Christmas. Folks, it’s gonna be ugly.

First, at Raw Story, Polish exchange student Michael Gromek talks about his Half-Year of Hell with Christian Fundamentalists (hat tip to One Good Move):

My host parents hadn’t had sex for the last 17 years because — so they told me — they were devoting their lives to God. They also wanted to know whether I drank alcohol. I admitted that I liked beer and wine. They told me I had the devil in my heart.

With all due respect to Catholic priests, no sex for 17 DAYS is pathological, let alone 17 years. Meanwhile, over at Digby’s blog, Digby and Tristero point out that the Quiverfull crowd aren’t just quaint patriarchs spreading their seed willy-nilly to fugly dress-wearing Prairie Muffins. They want good white Christian folk to breed like rabbits precisely to keep good white Christian folk in the majority. Here’s Digby:

Plenty of young people want to come to America and would be more than happy to pay into social security to support all of us old codgers. They just aren’t the “right kind” of people, if you know what I mean. So get to breeding, white bitches. You’ve got work to do.

I am all for having a big tent. But there is no political party on earth that is big enough for me and people who believe that liberalism’s great hope is to create policies that encourage women to have 14 children so we can “outbreed” the competition and make sure the wrong people don’t come in and ruin the place. That’s where I head for the exit.

But what do I know. I’m just a horn-headed Jew, precisely the kind of person who needs to be kept in the minority.



  1. Darla says:

    *sigh* I should have checked this earlier. My teenager wrote a rebuttal to an Ann Coulter article tonight for his English class, and that used up my daily quota of political ranting.

  2. Dean says:

    Rebutting Ann Coulter is a mug’s game. I don’t believe that the woman believes what she says. She says things to sell books. You’re not rebutting an argument, you’re rebutting a marketing ploy.

  3. jmc says:

    I followed the Digby link to the MSN and Nation articles. I find the whole open womb movement to be utterly disturbing. No fertility treatment? Undoing tubal ligations in order to allow god’s will to determine your family size? Not even the rhythm method?

    Feminism is the root of all evils in the world today, including child abuse and homosexuality? Beyond Feminism: Back to Reality? My body is not my own? WTF? I could only sputter at the computer screen when I read that phrase. A statement like that comes from a place that I can’t even understand on a philosophical level.

  4. Walnut says:

    What, no one followed my Borat link?

    jmc, why did you torture yourself? Those Quiverfulls are the worst of the worst. Scary, scary people.

  5. shaina says:

    eek. i feel sorry for that poor kid.
    and i clicked on the youtube link, only to x out of it right away–i hate borat with a passion. i went to see it with some friends just so we could say we’d seen it, and we ended up walking out halfway through. we just couldnt stand the offensive, obscene, disgusting pointlessness of it all. i was ready to throw up or cry when we left, it was so awful.
    ok. /rant

  6. Walnut says:

    Tell us how you really feel, Shaina 😉