Anyone up for live blogging?

I’ll shoot for 7 PM, as usual.

Meanwhile, I’m editing, and I hope to make a dent on my latest Tangent assignment.

Editing. Yuck. I’m in one of those moods where nothing seems to flow, nothing looks good. Blech.



  1. sxKitten says:

    I’ll be around all evening, although I’ve got to watch Prime Suspect at 9. I love Jane Tennyson. And Helen Mirren.

    Not as much as I love you, of course, but Jane’s a limited edition.

    I’m sorry editing’s not rocking your world today.

  2. shaina says:

    so 7 for you is 10 for me? i will get on when i get home…i’m going to a friend’s house with my a capella group to eat mac and cheese and watch the old tv show Dinosaurs on dvd. life is good.

  3. Walnut says:

    See ya soon 😉

  4. Rella says:

    I’ll see if I can tear myself away from screaming kids at that point. Last night kidlet #2 decided to stay up till 10:30 pm! Yikes! Hopefully we can force them down, if they don’t drop off! ha ha!


  5. Suisan says:

    I’ll try. Kids and house cleaning lead to jumpy kids who have trouble going to bed.

    FYI–we took all the sand out of the frog enclosure, and I bought a bigger cage for them. Now we have the orignal kritter keeper as a feeding station. My daughter is over the moon in love with her frogs.

  6. Rella says:

    Guess you are hiding Doug. I’ll check back in 20 or so…

    Rella (10:30 now my time)

  7. shaina says:

    where is douuuuug where is douuuuggg…is after 11, here, meaning after 8 there, and no doug!