Remember, live blogging tonight

I’m shooting for 7 PM PST, but that depends on a lot of stuff (like when I manage to feed my family). See ya there.

UPDATE: make that 8. Sorry!

UPDATE: Y’all have lives tonight, I see 😉 Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.



  1. sxKitten says:

    Dang, I have an actual, honest-to-god social engagement tonight, first in months. Otherwise, I’d SO be there.

    I should be home before 9, so maybe I’ll get lucky and you’ll still be live.

  2. mm says:

    Dang #2.

    8 o’clock there is 11 o’clock here – past my bedtime. I was really only going to pop in and say hiya, so I’ll just say it now instead.

  3. Lyvvie says:

    And for once I was actually up at that time and I STILL missed it. Darnnitpoo and pants. From now on I can make any Thursday, Friday or Saturday due to late work hours.

    I’m still feeling a bit mentally scarred my Moore-toe. It’s just not what I needed on a Sunday before coffee.

  4. Dean says:

    And I’m Away right now, and the laptop has decided that it doesn’t like networks any more. So I was toast last night.

  5. Walnut says:

    No problem, folks. I’ll see who’s lurking about tonight.

    Lyvvie, mentally scarred? I figure Mary is a wildcat under the covers. Those librarian-types, dontcha know.

  6. sxKitten says:

    I’ll be around this evening, waiting for Dean to return from the clutches of his evil ex.

    I’m sorry I missed last night – we got caught up playing the Pirates of the Caribbean version of Life, and didn’t get home til 10.