An Open Letter to My Victims

Updated August 13.

I’ve decided this post was too snarky to live. Consider it a humor-misfire.

As for authors who take issue with my reviews:

  • I do my best to critique the story that was written, not the story I wanted to read.
  • I approach every story with an open mind.
  • If I gave you a negative review, I’m sorry, but your story must have irked me deeply. You can’t please every reader.
  • And if you feel like I missed the point, by all means TELL ME. If you can make me appreciate your story, I’m not above changing my mind.



  1. Maybe you should review one of Mike Resnick’s new books. Here is his view on this sort of thing:

    “I don’t need anyone else to tell me if a movie is good
    or bad, or if a book I’ve written is good or bad. If the
    movie flops or the book tanks and I said it was good, I
    -still- say so; there are a lot of reasons other than
    artistic quality (or even including artistic quality) for
    a book or a movie to flop. But, and I truly don’t think
    of this as arrogant, I will never trust -your- artistic
    opinion more then my own.”

  2. ps. I’m looking forward to reading your reviews. Will you post a note here when one is available?

  3. Hi Scott,

    Over at Tangent, my review of Brutarian #44 is up. If you scroll down a ways, you’ll find my review of Lenox Ave #7 — that’s the one I took crap over.