Kris never peed in the pool? Yeah, right.

Kris Starr has a fun post this morning — how much are you worth? I’m worth only $160.50, which is pathetic, and at my age I doubt I’ll ever see $200.00. Um, $200.50.

As memes go, this one’s quick and kinda fun. Check it out.



  1. Kris Starr says:

    Thanks for the linky loooove, baby. You’re so good to me. 😉

    And again, for the record, no, I never did. So there.

  2. tambo says:

    I’m $115.50

    Damn that swimming pool in the back yard! 😉

  3. Gabriele says:

    Geez, must I be dull. The only thing I ever did out of that list was peeing in the pool. 😀

  4. Cap'n Dyke says:

    $285.00, Me Dear Froggy…Well, I do be a lesbian Pirate Queen. What do ye expect?

  5. mm says:

    I couldn’t even crack $80. Gabriele and I should cohost a party.

  6. Walnut says:

    Fifty cents, Gabriele? If you ever come out to visit, I promise we’ll do something that will add $5 to that score.

    We’ll prank call the cops! Jeez, what did you think I meant?

  7. Robyn says:

    Goodness, I’m a heathen. $270.

  8. Dean says:

    I’m worth over $300. Argh.

  9. Walnut says:

    Dean, I’ve often wondered what happened that night we tore through three bottles of Thunderbird. Now I know.

  10. Leslie says:

    $265.50 — gee I used to live an interesting and fun life…

  11. Darla says:

    $210.50 here.

    Reminds me of The Spark’s purity test. Hmmm. I haven’t seen that in ages. Wonder if it’s still around?


    *gasp* It’s… gone! I think that was the very first online test I ever took. I need to go lie down now.

  12. Shelbi says:


    Holy Crapoli!