Before I get started: L’shanah tovah! That’s Happy New Year for you goyim. Today is Rosh Hashanah, which I’m Jewish enough to know about but not Jewish enough to celebrate. Unless watching Hebrew Crunk on YouTube counts as observation of this High Holy Day.
Can’t remember whose blog I commented on . . . but the issue of the hour was, how do you find the time to write? How do you manage to finish what you start?
Stubbornness, I replied.
Usually, after doing the day’s chores, I sit down and write. But today I feel meh. I’ve done two loads of laundry, washed the car, cleaned a mess in the garage, cleaned the kitchen, and organized the computer corner of our bedroom (doesn’t sound like it, but that was the most time-consuming task of all). And now I have to whip myself into writing mode.
Meh, meh, meh. Meh at every level of my life. Not entirely unrelated: I’ve added a new category to my blogroll, Escape Hatch, with a link to the blog We Move to Canada. No matter what I do in my local party, no matter how many petitions I sign, I can’t get away from a sense of responsibility for the atrocities our government has committed and has continued to commit in our names. If the Democrats fumble the ball in the next two elections, or if the Republicans steal the elections, I’m outa here.
Sorry to be such a downer. One of the reasons I don’t write as many political posts anymore is my depression with respect to the State of this Union. Karen feels the same way, and in fact, stopped watching The Daily Show and Colbert Report because they only made her more depressed.
More live-blogging tonight? I’ll try to be on by 8 PM PST, earlier if possible. And I’ll try to shake this funk by then.
Thanks for the link! Are you a long-time reader under another name? Just curious.
It was my blog you commented on, and I was blathering about how you have to do all this stuff in life BESIDES writing, but having it done and organized leads to more productive writing sessions. Provided you ignore the stuff that should get ignored instead of trying to have everything done and perfect before you write, in which case I guarantee you’ll never write a word. ; )
Happy new year!
hey I can see you on your blog
fucking technology. . . .
well, dude. Would have chatted, but the stickam screen wouldn’t open up for me to chat.
Wiping a tear from her eye, Suisan
The Wet Spots…that’s who sing Do you take it in the ass, that crowd-pleasing toe-tapping number that is driving me nuts.
{{{hugs}}} Doug. I know how you feel. I’ve gone from outrage to nausea, and I really can’t think about it too much.
Oh yeah…Happy New Year! Like our father, I’m not taking tomorrow off either.
I drove by the Temple on Longden yesterday. Does that count?
shana tovah to you too…i spent most of the weekend yawning in the choir section of the sanctuary at my temple…i love my temple dearly and my choir and my rabbi, but getting a college kid up at 7:45 in the morning? bad idea.
Hi everyone! thanks. Shaina, nice to see you back 🙂 I remember going to High Holy Day services with the BBYO crowd back when I was a teenager. And I remember yawning. I never was very good at standing for long periods of time.