
Who needs drugs? It’s easy. Get less than four hours of sleep, wake up at 6:30, go into the hospital, have one of those days in which nothing but nothing goes the way you expect it to go, work straight through until 5:30, and then come home to a family who expects you to cook for them.

Hah. Ain’t gonna happen.


Don’t forget: live blogging this weekend with mad libs. But mad libs do not create themselves out of thin air, folks. If you think you can make a live blog chat at 7PM Pacific Time this Saturday, send me a 100-200 word scene and I’ll Mad Lib-ify it. Others will supply their slew of adjectives and proper nouns, and I’ll read the results out loud for the chat.

That email addie again: azureus at

harborside dot



Soon: as a followup to last week’s Thursday Thirteen (Thirteen Patients), tomorrow I’ll write about Thirteen Doctors. Subtitle:

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


Thanks to my betas who have responded to the most recent email. Yes, I know the ending sucks. Or doesn’t suck enough. Or doesn’t have enough sucking. Something like that. Rest assured, by the time I finish this first edit, everyone should leave the scene satisfied.



  1. Dean says:

    Won’t be there for the unveiling, but I’ll see if I can’t send you something for the madlibbing.

  2. Lyvvie says:

    I was trying to comment on the post for K/S but the submit button just sends me over to some fanfiction and won’t post the comment – weirdness in the template Dr. Hoffman. I was trying to say “Two words: Brady Orgy.

    I’ve tried to read some but find it somewhat creepy, especially the HP ones – Snape and Lupin?? As if! However, I’ve often thought I could write scenes for soap operas yet I never have. Not since I was a wee teen and wrote myself into Silver Spoons and Ricky Schroder’s heart. *sigh* I still get flutters from him.”

    I’m still hoping I’ll be able to play on live night. I’ll come up with something for Mad-libs. I’ve done these for work before, but they take a lot longer to organise that you’d think! Just a warning.

    So what did you make for dinner?

  3. Walnut says:

    Karen just wanted chai tea.

    Jake got a burrito.

    I got a BLT.

    Brady Orgy? Sounds like the Aristocrats Joke!