
I grew up in sibling rivalry with a dog, went through puberty around dogs, always figured dogs would be a part of my life. My high school GF longed for a kitty. I never thought she would end up with dogs, I with cats, but there you go. I’m a writer/cat person, a living stereotype.

But in the last month, all three of our cats abandoned us.

In fairness, I admit I don’t know this for certain. Perhaps Faithful and Melantha are enjoying the balmy Pacific Northwest weather and will return home well-rested from their vacation, fattened on field mice and sparrows. Perhaps Emerald, flush with her newfound skill as a mole-assassin, is cruising up and down the coast improving lawns everywhere.

I hope so, because the alternative is too depressing: perhaps some big dog, raccoon, or mountain lion took out our cats. Tolerance, our hapless Tabby, had his back leg shattered by a big predator. We spent lots of money fixing Tolerance’s leg, and I don’t begrudge him the vet bills, but I wish he hadn’t run off or gotten himself killed within a few months of healing. Tolerance, true to his name, was one sweet cat.

We’re tired of waiting for them to grace us with their presence. More to the point, the local rats have figured out our house is fair game again and have set up a sweat shop in our attic. I can hear them at night chewing wood, sewing Nikes. The cocky bastards. How do they know our cats won’t return home tomorrow to make mincemeat of them?

Have I mentioned I’m allergic to cats? I’ve been allergic ever since grade school. I’m fine as long as I remember not to rub my nose or touch my eyes. Remember dammit!*

So: tomorrow, we go to the local humane society to adopt a pair of kittens. Photos to follow.


*At last, I have arrived: my blog has an in-joke. Now we need our own meaningless word, like Fark or Frist! Any suggestions?


  1. noxcat says:

    I grew up ith cats – I joke that my older sister was a siamese two years older than me. (Mom got her before I cam along, and she died when I was 17.) The only time I wasn’t around cats was when I was in college, and I wondr if the lack of cat hair had something to do with my slackerdom there. 🙂

    I’m not a big fan of cats being let outdoors. They just can’t win against vehicles, or predators or even large dogs. I advise people to keeep their cats indoor only – it does help keep the vet bills lower.

  2. mm says:

    Oh how sad. I hope they come back – the one in the picture is a beauty.

    I love cats but grew up with a cat-hating dad, and now have a cat-allergic son. So I guess that makes me a dog person by default. As you know, we lost our dog over the Christmas holidays. We haven’t brought a new dog into the house yet, but today we’re off the the humane society.

  3. Leslie says:

    You really want kittens? I know they’re fun and cute, but older cats.. ahh. They appreciate you SO much for bringing them home. AND they already know what to do with rodents… Just sayin’

  4. tambo says:

    Like Bill Cosby said about his kids, we have five cats because we don’t want six. Since we only have one dog, we’re definitely cat people. lol They’re indoor/outdoor/constantly needing that door opened cats, but we live out in the country and they’d go batshit being locked in the house.

    Enjoy your kittens! 🙂

  5. Walnut says:

    noxcat, I’m trying to get my family to agree to keep them indoors, too. My wife argues that we need at least one outdoor cat to keep the rodents away.

    Maureen, I ripped that pic off the web. The only cat pix I’ve posted are of Melantha (Spider Cat) and Faithful:

    Leslie, you make a very good point. I’ll run it by the family, but I suspect Jake has his heart set on kittens.

    Thanks, Tam. Five? I think my allergies would go nuts 🙂

  6. Suisan says:

    I bet if you find an affectionate *pair* of older cats you could sway your son. (And there are more likely to be pairs needing adoption.) It can be hard to cuddle the kittens, with all their pin-sharp claws and teeny teeth.

    Just saying.

    But, whatever you come back with will be cute, I’m sure.

  7. noxcat says:

    I don’t care about the rodents outside. It’s only when they come INSIDE that I’m unhappy. 🙂

  8. Stamper in NV says:

    That’s pretty odd that all three cats disappeared on you. I know when I come back to Vegas, I sneeze more, but I don’t think I’m real allergic to our two. Never thought I’d turn into a cat person, but they really are smarter than dogs. There is a local pet adoption center by us, and they have three of the cutest kittens you’d ever want to see. I was tempted to get the orange and white female; she’s a real spitfire. Our two males wouldn’t tolerate a female though. As a rule, here is what I’ve learned about cats: keep ’em indoors, kittens are hellions, males are sweeter, Maine coons are sweeter still, and females have attitudes. Can’t wait for the photos!

  9. Gabriele says:

    You sure the spiders didn’t get them?

    I hope they will return. Good luck.

    Oh, and you should sic your eight legged crawlies at the rats. Allow them a really yummy morsel now and then. 😀

  10. Walnut says:

    Trouble is, spiders don’t return when you call for them.

    I don’t know if I’ll be able to post any photos. They’re very shy, these two — they were so outgoing in the shelter, and now they’re huddling in their carriers and won’t come out. Jeez. Don’t they know they have an audience?