Hat tip to jmc for this link to an interview with Alan Rickman. Rickman, as many of you know, is one private dude.
You know what I thought was sweet (and not entirely unexpected)? Here:
The bad news for all who write to him in a similar vein is that Rickman is a one-woman man. He has had the same girlfriend for more than 40 years – Rima Horton, an economics lecturer at Kingston University. *snip*
They met when they were students at Chelsea School of Art. He was 19; Horton a year younger. She was his first girlfriend, to whom he has remained steadfastly faithful, although they’ve never married or had children.
You knew he wouldn’t be one of those working-on-my-fifth-divorce kind of guys, didn’t you?
I was delighted to read that, too. Thanks!
Oh, I new he was sweet, that’s just a wonderful confirmation. What a lucky couple they are. (And I’m thrilled he doesn’t have a trophy wife, she’s lecturer in Economics, a subject I have no grasp of)
Lovely find, thank you Doug.
(ps, in a few days, I’ll have a new piece of calligraphy/illumination up on the livejournal, had a serious overdose of life the last month or so)
I sensed he was a stand-up guy, but I’ve been wrong about people in the past (e.g., Mel Gibson!) Glad to know that one of my favorite actors is also a decent human being.