Wanted: Guest Bloggers

We’ll be on vacation from June 30 to July 5, so I need five or six guest bloggers. (Our laptop is in no shape to make the journey. Don’t ask.) The more the merrier, of course. If you’re interested, I’ll need you to mail me your post by June 29. Include JPEGs if you like. Try to stick to my usual obsessions: food, sex,writing, books, movies. Politics is okay, but I’ve been trying to get away from that lately — so many people do it far better than I.

Naturally, feel free to hype the hell out of yourself while you’re here. If you’re interested, email me at azureus at harborside dot com.

I’ll leave you with a great You Tube viddy which I found at Gabriele’s place.

Back to writing. It’s not going well today, which makes me wonder if I’m going in the wrong direction. Wish me luck.



  1. Ariadne says:

    Good luck, D. I’m writing a dissertation and have lots of those days. Better ones usually follow, though not always at the preferred pace.

  2. Walnut says:

    I stuck to it yesterday and cranked out 4100 words. See? I spoke too soon.

    Nothing yet today . . . too distracted by politics.

  3. beard5 says:

    Doug I’d offer, but my posts are not very similar to the ones here. Unless you *really* want someone posting about the pleasures of bead weaving (trust me, it’s boring even for those of us doing it)

  4. Walnut says:

    Thanks for the offer, beard 😉