I grew up in sibling rivalry with a dog, went through puberty around dogs, always figured dogs would be a part of my life. My high school GF longed for a kitty. I never thought she would end up with dogs, I with cats, but there you go. I’m a writer/cat person, a living stereotype.
But in the last month, all three of our cats abandoned us.
Seattle has two butterfly exhibits, one at the aquarium and one at the zoo. We’re not big butterfly fans (Karen, you’ll recall, is a tarantula-keeper, Jake loves his kitties, and I’m into poison dart frogs), but there’s still something mighty cool about being surrounded by hundreds of gorgeous butterflies.
At the Pacific Science Center, you enter and leave a large greenhouse-like enclosure through an antechamber. That way, the butterflies have a harder time making a break for it. The docents are vigilant about brushing butterflies off the path, so we didn’t see any colorful corpses.
Weather, for Seattle, was unseasonably hot and rain-free. The butterfly enclosure felt like a sauna. Still, how often do you get to see so many of these cuties in one place?
As for the zoo, their tarantula collection impressed Karen. Hers is better (of course!) but she was happy with their obese Poecilotheria regalis. (Arachnophobes, don’t click on that link.)
We just missed the lions having sex by about two minutes. We were within earshot and it was kind of obvious. Roar. Roar. Roar. Roar roar roar roar roar roar . . . eh, you get the idea.
I guess my faux FAQ on poison dart frogs didn’t answer all your questions. Here’s a real FAQ for you would-be froggers.
We’ll get to the frogs in a moment. First, I wanted to ask you guys why my hit counter is going nuts with searches for this image:
Billy Munster all grown up, you say? No, it’s Justin Theroux, and he’s obviously supposed to be a bad boy. Aaaah, I get it: Theroux will be playing Detective Larry Zito in Michael Mann’s upcoming movie version of Miami Vice. Karen and I saw a trailer for Vice last weekend, when we saw The Da Vinci Code. Looks good, although if I were creating a Vice trailer, I would have placed Gong Li front and center.
Mmmmm. Gong Li.
Back to the frogs we want to buy. This is kinda sorta my father’s day present. If Karen gets to keep 40 tarantulas, I should be allowed to buy six more dart frogs. It’s only fair.
Pix below the cut.
Reptiles Magazine has an awesome cover critter this month: an adult male veiled chameleon in full display, with a baby veiled climbing on his casque. I couldn’t find the photo at the Reptiles Magazine website, so I pinched this photo from sell.com, where someone is selling baby veiled chameleons for $39 (a decent price).
This bad boy is in full aggressive display. You can tell by the black highlights, the vivid colors, and the jutting chin. His mouth is either gaping or about to gape. What pissed him off? Chances are, another male veiled. Chameleons are, to my knowledge, unique in the degree to which they despise one another. Even as tots, they will put on a vigorous show of aggression and, yes, fight each other.
In the 90s, Karen tried to raise veiled chameleons and a few other species as well. Turns out it’s easy to get them to breed. That’s the one time two adults won’t fight one another. Nevertheless, in veiled chameleons mating is not the sedate, ritualized act the nature programs would have you believe. Think Rhett raping Scarlet, with Scarlet raping Rhett right back, and you’ll have some idea of the excitement of a C. calyptratus mating.
Yes, they’ll breed and lay eggs readily enough, but getting the eggs to hatch, that’s a bitch. Even with a professional incubator, our yield rarely exceeded 10%. Not our most successful business venture, but much more fun than cleaning earwax.
Art Spiegelman (you probably know him best as the creator of Maus) has crafted a great cover for the June 2006 issue of Harper’s Magazine. Once again, I tried finding a copy of the cover at the Harper’s website, but they’re still stuck in May mode. The cover is a cartoon showing eight stereotypical images: a black Sambo, a greedy, big-nosed Jew, a bucktoothed Asian, and so forth. Spiegelman’s article deals with the notorious Danish cartoons — and, yes, Harper’s Magazine has chosen to reprint them in full.
Spiegelman has written a brilliant piece on the history of political cartooning, and he caps it off with his critique of Danish cartoons. He rates them with a one-to-four fatwa bomb scale, a nice touch. I enjoyed his insights, and besides, any essay which pops effortlessly from South Park to Al Jazeera deserves a shout.
Also in this issue of Harper’s, novelist Kevin Baker gives us a long but meaty essay, “Stabbed in the Back,” which serves both as history and exposition of present day Republican tactics. His premise: Republicans, like post-WWI Germans, have opportunistically seized on the meme of the backstab, the betrayal by one who is close at hand. His commentary on WWII, Korea, Douglas MacArthur, and the Vietnam War was an eye-opener for Karen and me. I’m not sure I agree with his final conclusions regarding the Administration’s inevitable failure to make the same meme work vis-a-vis Iraq, but his analysis is certainly unique.
Most provocative of all is Ben Metcalf’s notebook entry, “On Simple Human Decency.” Metcalf takes over from Lewis Lapham, who has edited Harper’s for eons. His question for us is this: “Am I allowed to write that I would like to hunt down [deleted to keep Walnut from getting kidnapped and sent to an Eastern European torture camp] and kill him with my bare hands?”
He takes this question through some amazing and hilarious permutations. I don’t think Chimpy’s handlers will let him read this one any time soon.
On one level, this editorial works as satire, but Metcalf also has intelligent things to say about the law which forbids people to speak or write any threats against the president. But the essay flabbergasted me. I couldn’t help but think, “This guy has grapefruit-sized balls, writing this thing!” Which is why he’s featured here on Balls and Walnuts, naturally.
ONE: cool photo.
TWO: cool post.
THREE: she dedicated it to ME, damn it, ME!
To repay Sheila in some small measure, here’s a photo I pilfered from the American Museum of Natural History. Meet the Blue Poison Dart Frog.
I don’t have a Blue PDF FAQ, but if I did, it would go like this.
Q: Are they real?
A: Yes, they’re real.
Q: They’re not real.
A: Yes, they’re real.
Q: OMG, it just moved, it’s real.
A: Please don’t call him an ‘it.’
Q: What do they eat?
A: Disobedient children who get their fingerprints all over the aquarium glass. Next question.
Q: Oh Mommy Mommy I want one!
A: Fine. I’ll put you in touch with some reliable breeders. But first you’ll have to learn to raise fruitflies.
Q: Are they really poisonous?
A: I dunno. Touch one and find out.
Q: Oh, come on. They’re not really poisonous.
A: (Boring but true answer) They’re only poisonous in the wild. We think it has something to do with their diet. These frogs were captive-bred, so no, they’re not poisonous.
Q: I thought they were porcelain.
A: Shows how little you know, doesn’t it?
Q: That little one keeps climbing on that big one.
A: (singing) The circle of life . . . circle of life . . .
Q: So, they’re all harmless in captivity?
A: No, not all of them are harmless. Phyllobates terribilis, the Golden Poison Dart Frog, remains extremely dangerous even in captivity.
Q: How many are in there?
A: Six. I mean five. The golden one escaped this morning. Um . . . careful where you sit.
Any more questions?
Guess I’m not un-blocked yet, because I allowed the evil Lyn Cash to distract me with her wonderful links — primarily the Brokeback Mountain Happy Meal video, through which I discovered the LA sketch comedy group Fries on the Side.
I’ve filed them under “food.” Had to watch every one of their videos. Had to. My favorites: Default Date, Walken & Walken, and She’s Special.
Then I got sidetracked onto banned commercials at Google Video, like this Mastercard commercial. Damn it. Another 90 minutes down the tube, watching every funny commercial video I could find. Here’s another one, double damn it.
Back to Lyn. Top o’ the blog at the moment is a photo of a leucistic peacock. For those of you not into critters, leucistic animals are starkly white, unlike albino animals, which often retain some pigment. Leucistics have pigmented eyes, while albinos have pink eyes due to a lack of pigment.
Follow the links for examples of a leucistic ball python, albino ball python, and a normal ball python. Just to mix things up, here’s a piebald ball python, part leucistic, part wildtype pigmentation.
I couldn’t find much detail on the biology of leucism — just this brief Wikipedia article. The biology of albinism is well understood, however.
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to see how many different leucistic animal pictures I could find on the web. Here are some good ones:
I have no excuse for not working on my book today, none at all. I need a good kick in the ass, that’s what I need.
We hold these truths to be self-evident:
. . . because he will try to swallow your entire foot. Impossible is not part of his vocabulary.
I’m sick, folks, siiiiiiick, with some sort of gastrointestinal thing. I have no appetite, I’m bloated, and the only reason I don’t feel like throwing up is the fact I have 4 milligrams of Zofran coursing through my bloodstream. Zofran, the Mercedes of anti-emetics.
This might be my only post for the day. I want to crit a friend’s chapter, then it’s back to bed for me. But first, I wanted to introduce you to a lovely critter, Hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech. Here’s a hungry leech,
and here’s a well fed leech, (more…)