Isn’t that special?

Jake had to share the Pork song with me. While listening to it, I kept thinking: Why does this sound so familiar?

Then I remembered: Oh. This song.




  1. dcr says:

    It’s missing the spinning part though, isn’t it? And none of the pigs had an eye patch.

  2. Walnut says:

    If they did spin and wear eye patches, then it truly would be plagiarism.

  3. dcr says:

    I think they could still spin and have an eye patch and be protected as parody.

  4. Dean says:

    I should spin and get an eye patch and then I would be protected as parody.

  5. shaina says:


  6. Walnut says:

    Shaina, is that an eeeeeeeew pork is so unkosher eeeeeeew, or an eeeeeeew androgynous New Waver in an eyepatch eeeeeeew?

  7. dcr says:

    Does the song ever end or is it an endless loop? ‘Cause I’ve been playing it since yesterday, and it doesn’t seem to be wrapping things up at all.

  8. […] The other day, or maybe it was yesterday, I found this song by way of Doug who found it by way of his son Jake. Doug thought it sounded like this song. And that song plus the pork song got me thinking… And when I couldn’t sleep Sunday night, I came up with “You bring me ground round, baby; Wrapped in butcher paper, baby” and things kind of went from there… […]