Real or fake?

Way too much fun. (For a guy, anyway.) From The Sun Online, via Word Oyster . . .

Play “Spot the Bogus Boobs.” I got 7 out of 8 correct. How did you do?

Spend some time over at Word Oyster, by the way. You won’t regret it. And please keep reading down to my next post. My question at the end is no joke.


PS: have an appetite for more? Click on the photo.


  1. Corn Dog says:

    Same as you. 7 out of 8. I bet we missed the same set.

  2. Walnut says:

    I missed the first set.

  3. noxcat says:

    Hah! 7 out of 8. I got the first set, it was the set in the orange-ish top that I missed.

  4. Lyvvie says:

    I missed the first set too, they’re a bit too bottom heavy to look fake. Maybe she just got the booster pack instead the full-on inflatables.

    “Let’s get you a new set of blouse bunnies.” Heard that last night on Scrubs and it made me laugh!

    Funny how fake ones and orange tans go together.

  5. Darla says:

    I got 8/8. Yay, me! Beats me why anyone would want softballs bolted onto her chest, but it takes all kinds, I guess.

  6. Erin O'Brien says:

    Who cares? Those are so nice even I’d give ’em a nibble.

  7. kate r says:

    I got same, 7/8.

    unasked-for reminising: Back in the day, someone once asked me if my Ds were fake. ah, no one would ask that now.

  8. Dean says:

    8/8. I got lucky on one or two, a couple of those photos are so bad that you can’t really tell either way.

    Kate: um, isn’t that rather like asking someone if they’re pregnant and getting it wrong? Actually, I think it’s worse.

  9. Walnut says:

    I think I once mentioned here that in residency, I had the opportunity to do a breast exam on a 60-something-year-old woman who had had implants back in the day. They felt like croquet balls.

    So, Kate, don’t despair over your current girlfriends. Far better that they’re real, gravity or not.

    In other news: over at Tangent, my review is up for Will Ludwigsen’s collection, Cthulhu Fhtagn, Baby! And Other Cosmic Insolence. Ludwigsen’s a guy to watch. He’s not yet at the Christopher Moore level, but I think he shows a lot of promise.

  10. sxKitten says:

    6/8. I guess I need to do more gawking this summer, honing my spotting skills.

  11. Hmmm… 6/8. I must be more of an ass guy. Yeah, that’s my story.

  12. shaina says:

    i got ’em all. go me! hmm…

  13. Kid Doc says:

    Got 7/8 too. The ones with all the rhinestones “faked” me out.

  14. Shelbi says:

    7/8 Woo hoo! Those first ones looked a little iffy to me, too. My guess was wrong. Should have gone with my first instinct, but looking at big [real] breasts is so rare for me…

    Mine are like, an A- or something. There are times when getting fake ones seems like a good idea, but putting something like that inside my body is a little freaky to me. Going through with is is highly unlikely, you know?

    Alas, in a few years, they’ll just be little flaps of skin with nipples on the ends.

  15. Kris Starr says:

    7/8 here, too.

    I’m like Shelbi — I’m an A, too, and there are some days where I think a little enhancement might be nice.

    But then I think of all the horror stories, and having to go under the knife, and I shove the idea away. Hard.

    Au naturel is *so* much better… 😀

  16. Walnut says:

    Here’s another vote for au naturel.

  17. Thorne says:

    Hye Doug! This is so odd! I’ve been peeking at my counter stats, and every day a visitor stops by my place supposedly referred from this link. Not your current blog, but this exact post is the link. Are you coming by to visit and not commenting? Odd. Anyway, in light of this, I’ve decided to leave you a present at my place.

  18. […] Truly, though, the hit counter is as lively as ever. And what are most people searching for on Christmas Eve? What inspires them to Christ-like feats of love for their fellow man? A busty, luscious Rachel Weisz (Kosher for Christmas!) Clinical proof that Jennifer Lopez got back. The ever popular Real or Fake? boobs. Sex, in other words. […]

  19. sanjuro says:

    Fake. But not bad to look at !