Losing the war on drugs one cat at a time

It’s getting ugly at Chez Walnut.

And here’s the I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? version:

Why, why must we persist in the foolish waste of resources that is interdiction, when the catnip users are the real problem?

More photos to follow. Stay tuned.



  1. Dean says:

    You catnip pusher! You’re just trying to get their little furry asses hooked so you can take all their cat toys in payment.

    Oh, and maybe you’re trying to get them out peddling pussy on streetcorners.

  2. Da Nator says:

    I don’t know – they don’t look like real junkies. The serious addicts usually turn up on their backs after rolling in the nip, literally coated with the stuff like a Shake n’ Baked drumstick.

  3. Walnut says:

    Confession time.

    Yes, Dean is right, and Da Nator is, too. I’m trying to get them hooked, and to do it, I planted cat treats in the catnip bag.

    But, but it’s just so cute when they’re jonesing for kitty ganja. What’s the matter with these cats? I can’t even get them excited over leftover chicken!

  4. Darla says:

    Maybe you’re trying the wrong lures. Our cat was never excited over leftover chicken, either, but give her a bit of honeydew melon and she’d purr like a buzzsaw. Even better, give her the yogurt container you just finished, and she’ll act like a catnip junkie.

    But then our dog does trick for apple cores, so maybe we just have weird pets.

  5. sxKitten says:

    Our cat prefers tomato sauce to chicken, and my late border collie would steal carrots out of the fridge if you left the veggie drawer open.

    There’s just no accounting for taste.

  6. Corn Dog says:

    Thanks DOUG! Just sprayed my MAC with water I laughed so hard!!!

  7. Stamper in CA says:

    It’s our tabby (who looks amazingly like your tabby) who goes nuts over catnip…the black cat could care less.

  8. Kid Doc says:

    The six cats in my house vary in response to “the nip”. Two become really mean drunks. One becomes a real floozy for anyone who will pet her. One gets a serious case of munchies and at 18 pounds now, we try not to encourage that. The two kittens are just now starting to “get it” and they have an attack of the crazies and streak the house. Really, $4 for a fresh catnip plant from the petstore is some of the cheapest entertainment money can buy. Ours like it fresh off the plant — just yank a few leaves off and they roll all over & then scarf the stuff.

    And seriously, I never meant to have 6 cats. My husband has a problem with the word “No” and takes in any strays. Everyday, I realize that should anything ever happen to him, I instantly become that “carzy cat lady down the street”….

  9. Kid Doc says:

    OK, I meant “crazy cat lady down the street”….

    I need an edit button.

  10. Walnut says:

    Kid Doc: I have an edit button! But if I edited your first comment, your second comment wouldn’t make sense, now, would it?

    Sis: it’s amazing how anyone tells tabbies apart. I can only distinguish fatter vs. thinner, darker vs. lighter.

    CD, if I don’t get people spraying at least once a month, I’m really not doing my job.

    SxK: tomato sauce? That’s a strange one. Although carrots, admittedly, is far stranger. A vegan dog . . .

    Darla, I don’t know what would tickle our cats’ fancies. Aside from playing fetch, they’re awfully boring.

  11. Lyvvie says:

    Should be “stash” not “stuff”. It’s more druggielike.

    I miss having cats *wah!*

  12. Walnut says:

    I defer to your greater knowledge of illicit drug lore 😉

  13. […] Sadly (stupidly?), it took us a while to realize we simply can’t have outdoor cats here in Oregon. SOMETHING around here likes to maul and/or eat cats. Our current cats, Mist and Ash, don’t get to go outside. Ash, the tabby, likes to play fetch. Mist is the more stand-offish of the two, unless you’re my son. No cat can resist his charms. […]