Busy boy

I got home from the grocery store at 3 PM. It’s 8 PM right now, and we’re just finishing dinner. Do the math.

I go nuts sometimes. I’m not sure why. But the List of Accomplishments runs as follows:

Dinner tonight: I made a pecan-based fesenjan with chicken thighs, a dish with lamb and eggplant, and crispy rice. For dessert: chocolate tiramisu.

I also set up some cucumbers for Erin O’Brien’s Hungarian Cucumber salad, thinly sliced beef for Carne Asada, and more thinly sliced beef for bulgogi. Along with tonight’s leftovers, that should take care of dinner for the next few nights.

Time to finish cleaning up. *Big sigh*


P.S.: Ever wonder what would happen if you searched YouTube for ‘anal’?

Lucky Louie excerpt

Funny stuff . . . I promise.


  1. sxVixen says:

    God, this writing thing is a curse. Everything I read, I edit. Comedy sketches? I edit. That was pretty funny, but the end could have been funnier if… aw, crap.

    Still, it was funny.

  2. Dean says:

    That was actually me. The kitten has been using my computer.

  3. Walnut says:

    I know what you mean about the ending to that skit. I think the writers lost their nerve at the last moment . . . and it had had such promise, too 😉

  4. sxKitten says:

    Dean – I have not been using your computer. You used my name in vain to comment on the git in a tartan post. So it serves you right. Nyaah!

  5. Stamper in CA says:

    Recipe for crispy rice? That sounds good.