Ah, the smell of hate mail in the morning.

Or late evening. Whatever it is.

I like the medical info on your web-site but do you think you can quit coming aginst our beloved president!? If you don’t like him get out of this country!!

Treat others the way you want to be treated!
God is watching.

                         Jane Smith

This is so very wrong in so very many ways: from the assumption that dissent justifies banishment, to the sanctimonious, hypocritical, and pink signature line, to the exuberant punctuation, to the blushing happy face. And heavens to betsy, I’m not even going to start in on the grammar and spelling.

Thanks, Jane. You made my evening.


PS: I changed the name and deleted the email address because, unlike Jane, I do try to treat others the way I would like to be treated.


  1. Darla says:

    Oooh, you’ve arrived, Doug! Your very own wing-nut.

    Methinks she wouldn’t have been so quick to protest criticism of the president 7 or 8 years ago.

    I kind of like the threat inherent in “God is watching.” Wonder what it would take for her to see the irony.

  2. Erin O'Brien says:

    I loathe George W. Bush.

  3. WOW…Your very own hateful stalker. I want one, sheesh.

    It’s amazing how someone can ream you out and then preach good christian values in the next breath. You’ve gotta love that.


  4. kate r says:

    I’m with Erin. I loathe the man and furthermore, I’m absolutely certain that I’m a better American than GWB and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise. Ha. Talk about hubris.

    you sure it isn’t jesus general? I mean it’s just about perfect down to the smiley face.

  5. Walnut says:

    Hi folks. Don’t you think we need a stronger word than loathe for someone like dubya? You know, the way we have luuuuurve for love? Looooooathe, perhaps.

    Kate, I wish it were Jesus’ General. Then I will have well and truly arrived.

  6. kate r says:

    here’s what I wonder. Would Jane have had the same response if you’d LooooooooaThed Bill Clinton? If she considers GWB beloved, did she have the same feelings for BC? I doubt it. It might be possible. Hmm.

    If she looooooooooOOaTHED that preznit, did she feel *she* had to leave the country?

    Perhaps she did the Hate the Man but Respect the Office thing? As in it’s okay to looooooooooooooooOooathe a preznit but not say anything?

    This freedom of speach thing only goes so far, ya know. There is such at thing as being so American that you go too far into UnAmerican territory. See what I mean? No?

  7. Walnut says:

    Kate, I followed you right up to the end. I’m not sure what “being so American” means. Clearly, Jane’s sentiment is thoroughly un-American, in that she misses the whole point of the Constitution and the American form of government.

    On a different tack, I often wonder what it would take to get me to leave the country. Another stolen election? Bush declaring himself a third term? The trouble is, we’re slipping into fascism so gradually that no single event suffices to push me over the edge.

    What does it take to get Canadian citizenship, anyway?

  8. Cap'n Dyke says:

    ‘quit coming against our president’? What exactly is she sayin’ ye be doin’ t’th’ mental-squid whose sprawlin’ in th’Oval Office and how many states is it illegal and/or indecent in?

    “Treat others the way they treat you. Dog is watching…and he thinks you took his last bone.”

  9. Walnut says:

    Eeeew, Cap’n. Just eeeeew. A good Pirate Dyke shouldn’t even be thinking about such things. Eeeew.

    If Dog is watching, the world needs the Dog Whisperer ASAP.

  10. Lyvvie says:

    See, I thought that too and was all ewww, surely jizzing on the prez would warrant some hate mail. But diffrent strokes and all.

    what was that called again? Baccarat? (I’m kidding!)

  11. Walnut says:

    Baccarat? Huh? Is that anything like a pearl necklace?

  12. KariBelle says:

    Interesting how in her mad passion for Dubya she has managed to miss the point of Democracy entirely. I think we should be allowed to kick her butt for the pink type and blushing smiley face combo alone. All this is lacking is some “Precious Moments” clip art. Wonder how she felt about the oral sex post?

  13. confused says:

    I’m confused here. Since when did dissent and disagreement automatically require that the dissenter leave the country?

    IIRC one of the core principles that this country began with was dissent.

    Maybe Jan needs to revisit her history textbooks. I’d suggest that she start with the Declaration of Independence.

  14. Gabriele says:

    Clearly, Jane’s sentiment is thoroughly un-American, in that she misses the whole point of the Constitution and the American form of government.

    But doesn’t Shrubby miss that point as well?

  15. Ariadne says:

    Ha! Cap’n Dyke said exactly what I was thinking. That’s the grossest image I think I’ve ever had in my life, “coming against our be[loooooaaaathed] president.”

    Must. Get. It. Out. Of. Head.

  16. Walnut says:

    eeew, you guys, cut it out, I’m trying to drink my coffee. With cream 😉

    Gabriele, confused, KB, I’m sure this woman would fully understand and appreciate the need for dissent — if a Democrat were in the White House.

  17. kate r says:

    different strokes. heh. lyvvie is funny but too graphic.

  18. Walnut says:


    Still don’t understand baccarat. Maybe I ought to do a slang search, eh?

  19. Beth says:

    Whenever I hear/read someone that stupid on the subject of the current administration, I want to lock them in a room and play that Bright Eyes song on a loop for like 24 hours straight. Even if it doesn’t re-condition them, it’d torture them quite nicely.

    I’m also all clueless about the Baccarat thing. Like Burt Baccarat? Or the card game? Whaaa?

    okay, back to my fried pizza.

  20. Walnut says:

    Mmmm fried pizza.

    Don’t know the Bright Eyes song. Is it anything like that heavily produced Cher song that just goes on and on and on and on?

    Hey, folks, if anyone wants to see more discussion on this thread, I’ve cross-posted over at Daily Kos.

  21. Beth says:

    Dude. You don’t know that song? It’s a kick-ass protest song. EVERYONE should hear that song. Ummmmm here it is. Or here’s the video of him singing it on the Tonight Show. (there’s no preview pane, sosorry if I screw up the links) I doubt he’s really your taste in music, but definitely your taste in politics.

  22. Shelbi says:

    Could baccarat be that bukkake thing you were talking about the other day?

    You know the one where the guys all stand around and… ick.

    As for Jane, well, some people should just step away from the keyboard.

  23. Walnut says:

    Heh. Shelbi, I think you’re right. Bushkkake.*

    Beth, that was just . . . painful. The sentiments are compatible with my politics, but the delivery is, well, OY.

    Reminds me of the Monty Python protest song (best line, after the harmonic finishes shrilling: “I suffered for my music. Now it’s your turn.”)

    *Thanks to Lyvvie, Balls and Walnuts has its first “in word” — you know, one of those things where you have to be part of the in crowd to get the joke. From now on, whenever someone wants to say bukkake, they’ll write baccarat instead. Cool, eh?

    Now all we have to do is wait for ‘bukkake’ to come up in polite conversation.

  24. Lyvvie says:

    That’s it! That’s what it was…I knew it was something like that.

    See, the word kind of has the word cake in it, and it just spinned out so many other icky thoughts; bukkake cake – pleh! So yeah. Baccarat: works for me.

    Now just wait until you ever hear the line “Fancy a round of baccarat?” and you’ll all be laughing.

  25. Ariadne says:

    Last I checked, the Bright Eyes’ song is a free download on iTunes….

  26. Kris Starr says:

    Now all we have to do is wait for ‘bukkake’ to come up in polite conversation.

    Ha. I’m settling in with my bowl of popcorn and Diet Cherry Vanilla Coke to watch. I wanna see how someone manages to slip ‘er in there.

    Ahem. You knew what I meant.

    This is book fodder. I don’t quite know how yet, but it is. My subconscious is already trying to run with it. 😀

  27. motorboating says:

    Ohhh, I’ve been on vacation and missed all the excitement. God-da is watching Doug and he is coming aginst the president. WOW! Cool! Maybe Jane will roll around to my web site. I just posted a blinkie last week that says “IF HE WERE MY BUSH I’D SHAVE HIM OFF”

  28. Lyvvie says:

    Doug! I found this quote and thought of you right away:

    “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” -Teddy Roosevelt

    huh? huh? Awesome right. Yeah, baby.

  29. Lynn says:

    Maybe she mistook you for an illegal alien, Doug (The Mexicans are coming! The Mexicans are coming!)

    I’d like to know what planet she’s from, though. I need another evil empire for the series.

  30. beard5 says:

    Lyvvie, great quote! Thank you!. I don’t know if anyone has seen the latest Time magazine, dedicated to TR (Him and Eisenhower, probably the only republicans I’ve liked…TR, because, well….he’s TR, Eisenhower for the highways and some *really* weird stuff during WWII that’s screaming to be made into a Tim Powers book)The first editorial is by Karl Rove *hacks up a hairball* The loathsome pus-bucket is trying to compare the current holder of the office to TR *hacks up a hairball the size of a Buick* I go to scrub out my brain now.

  31. Walnut says:

    I’d comment, but you guys are doing quite well on your own.

    Lynn, that reminds me of the time Karen and I were on our way back from Tiajuana and the border cop asked Karen where she was born. Karen had on her sunglasses, so it wasn’t immediately obvious that she was Japanese as opposed to, say, MEXICAN (gasp!) So, back to the story:

    “Where were you born?”

    “San Jose. No, wait, crap! San Jose, California!”

    She took off her sunglasses to prove the point.