Not a terrible photo of yours truly

We had our quarterly face-to-face Chiefs meeting down in Pasadena today, so I took the opportunity to have dinner with my sister. Shot I took of her was one of them candid photos, so I don’t think she’d appreciate me reproducing it here. My photo, on the other hand, was not half bad.


We ate at Continental Burger. The waiter claimed he remembered me “from 20 years ago.” Why? “Because you have such a beautiful face.” He also claimed to have worked at Continental Burger for fifty years. We weren’t sure what to make of him, but he seemed harmless enough. Occurs to me only now that I should have posed in a photo with him, my old pal from 20 years ago.


, May 4, 2011. Category: Pix.

1 Comment

  1. As tired as I was, I DO appreciate you not reproducing that picture of me, but the one I snapped of you (not even knowing what I was doing)is a good one.
    That waiter was a character; he defintiely knows how to treat his customers.