I’ll give her toys

Mom, Dad, do you really want to know why I never dated Jewish girls? Because I never met one like Sarah Silverman, that’s why.

All I ever met in the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization were girls who couldn’t stop talking about how much their dads made or how much their homes were worth. A BBG girl’s idea of teen success: hearing that someone half the valley away said something nice about her, and she doesn’t even know me! They were the Typhoid Marys of niceness.

Whereas Sarah, bless her heart, is nasty and funny and oh my god I need another fix of Sarah . . .

Ah, that’s better.

My eternal thanks go out to YesButNoButYes for the next two links. Don’t mean to kvetch, but this has been a mighty depressing Hannukah. Not even our temple’s Hannukah party could perk me up. I can’t do parties without Karen. Cannot, cannot, cannot. I only get more depressed. Anyway, thank you, YBNBY, for giving me a much needed laugh.

On to the linkage. If you click on nothing else, check out Sarah’s video, Give the Jew Girl Toys. I used to be a big fan of Adam Sandler’s Hannukah Song, but Adam? Sorry, bro. That animated Hannukah movie you did, it sucked big ones. Sarah’s my home girl now.

After you’ve watched Sarah dish it to Santa, if you still can’t get enough of her, check out this interview in which Sarah plays with a dreidel and eats latkes. (Thank YesButNoButYes for this one, too.)

Excuse me. I need to go search the web for all things Sarah.



  1. […] I’ve waxed on, waxed off about Sarah before. Such a sweet face, I hear her grandma say whilst kneading Sarah’s chin betwixt matronly fingers. Why the acid tongue, Sarah bubbeleh? What did your mother ever do? […]

  2. shaina says:

    ha funnyness. you’re totally right about BBG…i was in it for three years and it SUCKED BALLZ. literally. all they cared about was hooking up with the AZAs and getting new girls to do the same. ick.

  3. […] 8. What, you think I only go for pretty faces? What about my past protestations of love for Maureen Dowd, Sarah Silverman, or Cintra Wilson? They are easy on the eyes, though. (That’s an image-only link for Dowd, but if you search my blog for Dowd-references, you’ll find a bunch.) […]