Try it some time.

Tonight was special.

I’ve been in touch with Mike for a few years now, and we had spoken on the phone once or twice, which was an experience all by itself. It’s uncanny, to say the least, to talk to someone who was pre-pubertal the last time you spoke. Things are familiar but different.

We were really good friends in junior high and ninth grade, but in tenth grade I switched to another high school, and I lost touch with my old friends. In general, I’m pretty crappy when it comes to keeping in touch with friends. (Thank heavens for the Internet, though.) I’m not sure how Mike and I found each other again, but I think I might have googled him one day and found his blog. We’ve been emailing off and on, but this is the first chance we’ve had to get together in person.

He tells me that the GenXers are so into texting that they don’t know how to conduct conversations anymore. Fortunately, we haven’t forgotten how to talk. I suppose these sorts of reunions could completely flop — how much is there to talk about after you’ve had the “who have you kept in touch with” conversation? Turns out, a lot. We had a great time, and I only broke it off because I wanted to get to my hotel before 11 to have some time to unwind, and blog, and check my email . . .

So yeah I’m down in LA for a Kaiser affair. (Sorry, Sis, but I got here too late in the evening to do dinner with you. Next time I’m down here, I promise. It’ll be in about one month.) Jake has his Freshman Retreat tomorrow and I suspect we’re going to be doing the same thing, my son and I: breaking into small groups and discussing relationships. How can you spend a whole day doing this? I guess I’m going to find out (Jake and I both). And I have not just one day of this, but THREE, blessedly scattered one month apart.

Back to Mike: we had a great time. So much fun to see someone I haven’t seen since 1976. 1976! Can you imagine? Back then, 1984 still sounded like the distant future, and don’t even mention the Millennium. We would be pushing forty then. We would be old.

But if growing old means more pleasures like these, I guess it won’t be so bad.



  1. Joules says:

    OT, but I’ve just dived over, on spec, from Alternate Brain and wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed reading your blog. I’ve bookmarked you for regular checking.

    (Sorry to hear about your mum – our sympathies and best wishes to you.)

  2. Stamper in CA says:

    I’ll hold you to it![:
    I don’t know…this retreat thing sounds kind of interesting.

  3. Walnut says:

    Joules: Welcome! but what’s Alternate Brain? Yeah yeah I oughta google it . . .

    Sis, it’ll be something like October 29. We should probably get together the evening AFTER the session since I get out around 4:15, and I could make it over early enough for your dinner time.