
And Microsoar wins it with his first entry!

Knowing how he used his women and his bloodthirsty history, she devised a tale of mystery, romance and intrigue. In her fable, magic carpets crossed the skies. Fearless heroes slew fabulous beasts, overcame seemingly insurmountable odds and ravished beautiful and willing women. She planned a climactic finish that was not quite an ending, instead offering suspenseful temptation and a promise of even greater wonders.

Unfortunately, no-one had told her that the the Sultan was deaf.

Microsoar’s second entry took second place, making Microsoar Teh RoxXor 75er. Tell me where you want your gift certificate, boss, and I’ll make the arrangements.

Thanks to everyone for playing!


P.S. The title? Just a cool German noun I discovered over at Boing Boing.


  1. Pat J says:

    Congratulations, Microsoar!

  2. Microsoar says:

    You know, a prestigious prize like this one comes as such a surprise. Nevertheless, I’d like to thank the Academy, my agent, the publisher and above all all the people who supported me during the dark days of writers block, the moments when inspiration struck and I became obsessed with perfection, the fevered hours of revisions and the black post-submission depressive episodes as I waited for the inevitable sting of rejection, or even worse, indifference.

    Seriously, thanks guys&girls. Thanks Doug.