I’m holding him to this.

Yeah. We’ll see.



  1. dcr says:

    I see the problem already. Your camera is too low a resolution. In the future, he’ll easily be able to deny it’s him in the video.

    You need to get a better camera and re-shoot. Then make sure you have a backup. Copy it to DVD too. Mail a copy someplace safe.

  2. Walnut says:

    Oh, we have a great camera. I haven’t figured out how to use the new editing software, though!

    Thanks for the suggestions.

  3. CornDog says:

    That made me laugh but I think it was because Jake was laughing. I think.

  4. Walnut says:

    It is infectious.

  5. now u spike lee too lol

  6. tambo says:

    My daughter went through puberty without a bit of drama. Oh, we had a few weepy days, but they were few and far between. All in all, a very smooth transition.

    It doesn’t have to be a dramatic upheaval. Really it doesn’t.

    Btw, I think you should start calling Jake ‘Giggles’. It’d be a great nickname!