
I spent a good part of the day attacking the RV garage.

You have to understand: we bought this place because it was a steal, and because it had a killer view. Did we need all this square footage? Did we need an RV garage? NO! And while those things are nifty-cool for resale value, they have led me to accumulate hundreds of pounds of junk.

Trouble is, it’s not really junk. Much of this stuff will have value to someone; I’m sure I could make a bit of money hosting a yard sale, but that’s not my goal. My goal is to get rid of all of this junk before the big move. Relay for Life is coming up, so perhaps I can donate everything to our hospital’s team.

I found some neat stuff amongst the dirty cages, computer cables, stuffed animals, Legos, and cat turds . . .

Post cards, for example. I used to collect ’em.

alt culture

It’s quaint, isn’t it, to think a navel piercing was once alternative? They’re still around, these folks. I wonder what qualifies as alternative culture with these guys. Not much, as far as I can tell with a little clicky-clicky.

I missed having this postcard as a part of my life.

love hungry doctor

The postcard copyright belonged to Philip-Dimitri Galas, who, sadly, died of AIDS in 1986. The book itself is real, as is the author, Florence Stonebreaker. She penned a number of racy novels (many about love-hungry doctors) before her death in 1977. Her books are hard to find; Nurses Wild is available new on Amazon, and I could order Wild French Nurse there, too.

“A passion starved French nurse meets with a strange new love that forces her to trade happiness for sinful thrills”

Lordy, I love the internet.

Know what else I found? Passport-sized photos of yours truly, no doubt for med school applications. Look! Hair!

doug's old photos

All right, time for me to figure out what to make for dinner.



  1. shaina says:

    i wrote a comment and it disapperearded. 🙁

    i wanted to share a website with you, in light of your new vegan-ish-ism: veganlunchbox.blogspot.com. this lady makes vegan lunches for her son (and sometimes herself) every day and takes pictures and details what’s inside and includes recipes. she has also written two books. she’s INSANE and has WAY TOO MUCH TIME on her hands, but it’s a pretty cool website and has got lots of stuff you might be interested in. 😀

  2. kate r says:

    Your junk is wonderful treasure. No doubt about it. You’re about as cute as a button in that picture.

    I had to look up Florence and she was such a naughty, naughty girl for so many, many books. Wow!
    Passion’s Harvest, Lust for Love, Sinful Desire, Confessions of a Ladies Chauffer (that’s how it’s spelled)…and other titles that set Summer Devon to blushing. If only any of them was less than ten dollars I’d buy one and see if it has anything remotely like sex described in it. Probably heaving breasts and stars and stuff.

  3. I always wondered what Diamonda Galas’ motivation for her HIV/AIDS-related work was (But not enough to actually, you know, go and look it up. She’s an acquired taste, and I can only take her work in small doses…).

    And now I know.

  4. Walnut says:

    Shaina: thankses 🙂

    Kate: I love how the cameraman couldn’t be bothered to aim down a bit. No, let’s leave LOTS of room over his head so everyone knows how short he is! (Sensitive, me? nah.) As for Florence, I’m going to pick up a couple of her books, and if they’re as good as their titles, I’ll make it my life’s ambition to collect all eighty.

    ps: I had never heard of these people until I started googling. The neat thing is, I’ve had this postcard for years, but when I first got it I had no easy way to check on Florence (or Mr. Galas). But with the miracle of the intertubes . . .

  5. But with the miracle of the intertubes . . .

    No kidding… (An ex of mine was a huge fan of Galas. He preferred her at full volume, and frequently; me, not so much…)

    Speaking of miracles of the intertubes – if you haven’t seen this already, I thought you might get a kick out of Hereville. It’s a comic by a Portland-based artist (Ampersand, at Alas, a Blog) about… well… an 11-year-old Orthodox Jewish girl who wants to become a dragon slayer. He won’t have more copies printed until June, but I highly recommend it. It’s pretty much G-rated, but it’s still a lot of fun.

  6. MRasey says:

    Awww you were such a cutie.

    My uncle is a rare books/media dealer if you want to contact him to see if he wants to buy the collection let me know.

    Don’t throw them out,they may actually be worth something.


  7. dcr says:

    Why not Ebay? You can still donate the money. I could use some oddities for my next installment of Weird Stuff You Can Win on Ebay. You could single-handedly make many of my readers very happy.

    Even the cat droppings may sell, if you put a creative spin on them!

  8. Stamper in CA says:

    Those pictures make you look debonair. Did I
    spell that correctly?
    It is amazing the crap one can accumulate over the years.

  9. KGK says:

    Excellent photos! I particularly like the one on the left. Cool postcard too. It’s hard to get rid of the stuff that one has saved, but unless you are ready to save until your retirement, when you’ll have time to do something with it – take it to one of those places that’ll eBay it for you.

  10. Blue Gal says:

    moving to the midwest myself this month. It is a wonderful opportunity to de-clutter, I just wish there wasn’t so much of it.