Boy mit bagels

I made that!

Guess that goes for the boy and the bagels, although I had a bit of help making the boy.

Last time I tried to make bagels, I was in college, and they came out like rubber toss-rings. The experience so traumatized me, I have waited until now to try it again. These came out perfect — go figure. I attribute my success to (A) a kickass power mixer, and (B) a much better oven.

Best thing about this recipe? I have another big ball of dough in the fridge, which I can use to make focaccia tonight, or perhaps another half dozen bagels tomorrow.


Our high speed modem is futzing. If it doesn’t rally by this evening, I won’t be live blogging. Check in around 7 to 8 PM PST and see if I’m around.

‘Kay, I’ve made breakfast for the family, ran one load of dishes and one of laundry, cleaned the litterbox, and mopped up the cat’s bathroom (you know the routine — shit on the floors, shit on the walls, and kitty litter everywhere). Time to edit!



  1. Lyvvie says:

    Awesome! I want a bagel! YumYumYum.

    I’m not going to make it for the live act but I hope it all goes well. I plead exhaustion. And as much fun as a midnight romp thru the internet with you and your friends would be, I’m knackered and will have to wish you great success instead.

    I really want a bagel now, but only have crumpet. Humph.

  2. Lyvvie says:

    By the way – your wee boy is just adorable. I want to pinch his wee cheeks and sneak candy into his pockets.

  3. Cap'n Dyke says:

    I LOVE that lil guy! He can be on me ship anytime…okay, Douglas, I love ye too.

  4. Stamper in CA says:

    What? You sleep like an hour a night? Where do you find the time? I am jealous! The bagels look like Papa’s and definitely better looking than most I’ve tried to buy in Yuppie bagel places. What are those, onion/sesame seed bagels?

  5. Walnut says:

    Sis, I made one salt, a few with onion, some with poppy seeds and sesame seeds, too. I must have had a couple extra hours of sleep last night 😉

    Cap’n, at least I know his honor would be safe with ye. What be his post?

    Lyvvie, on the other hand, wants to pinch his wee cheeks. Naughty girl.

  6. Cap'n Dyke says:

    Ahh, Me Walnut, he be Me Own Cabin/Bagel Lad an’ he gets t’be havin’ all th’goodies or treasure he be wantin’!

  7. Cap'n Dyke says:

    Oh, an’ I be teachin’ ’em how t’pillage…

  8. Walnut says:

    Ah. I knew he’d be in for one hell of an education.

  9. […] When I made bagels, I reserved half the dough and kept it in the fridge overnight. The next day, I used half the remaining ball to make a focaccia, and two days later, I divided the remaining quarter in thirds and made pita bread. […]

  10. […] Mmmm, bagels By Walnut Yes, I’ve blogged my bagels before. I’ve given you a picture. I’ve given you a recipe. […]